Video tutorial

Watch our online video tutorial on setting the system settings for your company.Watch on YouTube

System Settings

Company Customer Name:
Company Name:
Company Street:
Company City:
Company State:
Company Zip:
Company Phone:
Company Fax:
Company Email:
Company Website:
Company Footer:
Supplier Terms & Conditions:
Sales Tax:
Quote Terms:

Next PO Number:
Next Invoice/Packing Slip:
Next Quote:
Next RMA:
Exclude labor:
Include labor when splitting:
Weekly Profit Required:
Weeks to ship:
Net Terms:
Unknown Margin:
OTD Target:
Internal PPM Target:
External PPM Target:
Quote Valid For:
Quote Margin:
Quote Material Margin:
Requote days:
Send to OSS ID:

Rec'v from OSS ID:
Time clock URL's:
ISO Doc:
ISO CAR Doc: "iso/ISO CAR Procedure.pdf" 
ISO Instrument Cal Doc: "iso/ISO Instr Cal Procedure.pdf" 
ISO Quality Policy: "iso/ISO Quality Policy.pdf" 
ISO Quality Objectives: "iso/ISO Quality Objectives.pdf" 
Prior Steps:
Check quantity:
Process in order:
Clocked in check:
Use Quick Books:
Require ASN:
Clock Out Required:
Auto Clock Out:
Steps Enabled:
Quote Enabled On WO:
Show Customer:
Quality Plan:
Count Enabled:
Management File
Cabinet Drawers:
File Cabinet Drawers:
Material Labels:
Blank Every:
Create Directories:
Custom DIR Color:

New FAIRS Only:
No quality before OSS:
No quality after OSS:
No final quality:
Do not wait on materials:
Require subs completed:
Look thru subs:
Keep Light:
Set issue to floor:
Upper Order:
Autoset do not wait: