Video tutorial

Watch our online video explaining the live task distibution and work centers.Watch on YouTube

Step 5) Misc. Screen settings

Grouped length:  When a display is grouped, max of each group to show. Suggest 7. If nothing, it will use the quantity setup in the "TV Display (Setup)")
Uncollapsed:  The display shows this many uncollapsed and then collapses the cards to show more oin each screen.
TV Screen font size:  The font size on the TV displays Suggest 20.
Display 1:  The name of the TV Display to broadcast a new nest request for #1.)
Nest 1 Name:  The name on the button and on the home screen [Keep it short and apha numeric, leave blank to not use])
Nest 1 UOM:  UOM of nest #1.)
Display 2:  The name of the TV Display to broadcast a new nest request for #1.)
Nest 2 Name:  The name on the button and on the home screen [Keep it short and apha numeric, leave blank to not use])
Nest 2 UOM:  UOM of nest #2.)
Refresh Active:  Refresh the active screen every X minutes. [Needs to be a whole number. 5 is recommended.])
Refresh Overview:  Refresh the overview screen every X minutes. [Needs to be a whole number. 5 is recommended.])
Exclude Overview:  Centers to exclude fromt the overview. [name separated by a comma.])
Empty on overview:  (Will show all centers on the overview including those without any orders.)
Show full on overview:  (Will show all orders for the center on the overview..)
Overview columns:  How many columns to split the overview screen into. (Default is 4)
Overview columns width:  How many pixels wide for the columns on the overview screen. (Default is 450)
Overview length:  If "Show full on overview" is not checked, how many to show. Default is 10.)

TV Display Settings

Step 1) Work center setup Step 2) Machine setup Step 3) Assign machines to work centers Step 4) Display settings This: Step 5) Misc. Screen settings