Viewing Example Part

Video tutorial

Watch our online video tutorial on navigating part records.Watch on YouTube
This week
Order: 3, Qty: 23, Due: 7/29/2024 [3 hours, 42 minutes, 31 seconds] [Labor | Details], Qty: 23, Due: 7/29/2024
Open order report: This is a note added for the open order report
Customer: Example Customer
Date: 7/25/2024
Part Number: Example Part
Part Revision: A
Drawing Number: Example Part
Drawing Revision: A
Drawing Version: 1.1
Model Version: 2.2
Part Description: Example Description
Raw Material Size:
Part Size:
Material Type:
Material Cert: None
Finish: Painted
Cosmetic Level: 1
Heat Treatment: N/a
Part Type: Manufactured
Engineered By: John Sample
Fixture Location:
EM Version: 0 - Make and Paint
Local Link:
Order Linked Parts and Quantities
  • Example Part(A) - Example Description

  • Unclassified files
  • Root

  • MTL-STA-001.pdf

  • MTL-STA-001.par
  • MTL-STA-001.dft

  • FAIR has been approved

  • Op 2/setup.png
  • Video
  • Op 2/MTL-STA-001-Op
  • Op 2/MTL-STA-001-Op (Machine Program File)
  • Setup Sheet (Setup Information)

  • Op 3/MTL-STA-001-Op 3.txt
  • Op 3/MTL-STA-001-Op
  • Op 3/MTL-STA-001-Op (Machine Program File)
  • Setup Sheet (Setup Information)
  • Video

  • Op 1/setup.png
  • Op 1/MTL-STA-001-Op
  • Video
  • Op 1/MTL-STA-001-Op (Machine Program File)
  • Setup Sheet (Setup Information)