Editing an employee

Clock Number: 56
First Name:
Last Name:
Phone Number:
IP Address #1: (Auto log them in if the computer has this IP)
IP Address #2: (Auto log them in if the computer has this IP)
IP Address #3: (Auto log them in if the computer has this IP)
Set New Password: (Alphanumeric, 5 or more characters long)
Confirm New Password: (Retype your password)
CPU Type:
Timeclock Pin: (Numeric pin. If set to nothing, no password will be required. Suggest using last 4 of the SSN)
Hourly Rate: (Used for job costing)
Help videos: (This will show the help videos at the top of each page.)
Active: (This employee is active, showing on time clock and clocking in operations.)
Sales Rep: (This employee is a sales rep. Makes them show on the setting up a customer when active is not set.)
Gatekeeper: (Will be notified when priority cards move an other events)
In the To-Do Who Drop Down: (This person is shown in the To-Do task names)

Set as the CofC: (Use this employee on the generated CofC)

Priority Settings
comment_priority:  (Allow to comment on a priority)
readd_priority:  (Allowed to add the order to the priority list via a link within the cards line)
delete_priority:  (Allowed to remove priority cards on an order via a link within the cards line)
reset_priority:  (Allowed to reset the priority level via a link within the cards line)
priority:  (View the admin function on the priority card line)
priority_limited:  (Allows the delete priority card to be shown)
delete_comment_priority:  (Allowed to delete a comment on a priority card)
reorder_priority:  (Allowed to change the priority of the priority card)
done_priority:  (Allowed to click done on a priority via a link within the cards line)

Screen/Display Settings
orscreen:  (Allow to toggle this weeks or all orders on the over view screen)
hide:  (Allow to hide customer names on TV displays)
canmessagedisplays:  (Allowed to send todo task to the TV displays)
announce:  (Allowed to add/edit/remove announcements from all TV displays)

Material Settings
receivematerials:  (Allowed to rteceive materials when they come in)
traffic_light:  (Allowed to set the traffic light on the order)
addcosting:  (Adding/Editing costing to the work order on the details screen)
purchasing:  (Allowed to order the requirements on a work order)
remove_receipts:  (Allowed to remove incoming receipts)
grandtotal:  (Shows the grand total when checking materials)
remove_ordered:  (Allowed to remove a PO that is on order)
indreq:  (Show materials needed for orders related to a customer on the partnumbers page)
clearnestrequest:  (Allowed to clear any of the nest request sheets)

To Do Settings
todo:  (Allowed to delete to do items when viewing all)

Order Entry Settings
autoclose:  (Alowed to set the order to auto-close on material receipt.)
remember_the_po:  (Alowed to remember the last PO on add/edit orders.)
enterstock:  (Show the restock button on order entry.)
quick_order_entry:  (Shows the (Ord) on the search screen for the parts)
costing:  (Shows costing on orders in the normal browsing of the system)
sortedcosting:  (Shows the tables of orders sorted by dollar values when looking at orders)
orderentry:  (Allowed to enter order)
podetail:  (Allowed to see customer PO details)
poupdate:  (Allowed to update the PO update report that can be sent to the customer)
flipto:  (On the PO detail allows you to change all orders on the PO to released, on hold or pending)
reopen:  (Allowed to reopen an order from the edit orders page)
wo_reminder:  (Allowed to create a wo reminder that will pop up when the order is issued)
showsteps:  (Show the eng master link on the po_detail page)
openexport:  (Allowed to export the open orders and materials needed to excel)

Orders Settings
customernotes:  (Allowed to edit the customer notes for the open order report)
backlog:  (Allowed to edit the backlog)
printorders:  (Allowed to print order)
reset_printorders:  (Allows to set/unset if the work order has been printed)
printorders_main:  (Show the print order link on the home screen)
backlog_delete:  (Allowed to delete notes from the backlog)
move_ticket:  (Allowed to add a new thread to a move ticket)
allowed_to_ship:  (Allowed to ship orders)
must_scan_to_edit_order:  (Must scan barcode in order to ship)
backloglisted:  (This employee needs to be listed on the backlog (Allow @ tagging))
sortorders:  (Sorts the orders by date in this order: Cancelled-->Closed-->On Hold-->Released-->Pending-->Quote Only)
costpo:  (Allowed to cost PO)
update_on_costpo:  (Allowed to edit the description of the item when costing a PO)
labordelete:  (Allowed to labor transactions from the work order)

Quality Settings
ncr:  (Allow to issue RMAs on the order)
qualityplan:  (Allowed to edit the quality plan for a part)
quality_selector:  (Shows the quality selection after scannng bar code in the upper right corner of work order)
manage_quality:  (Allowed to approve/unapprove FAIRS and uplaod certs/insp records from the orders page)
dbqualityplan:  (Allowed to wipe out all recorded statistical measurements on a parts quality plan)
deletecertinsp:  (Allowed to delete uploaded material certifications and or inspection reports.)
correct_quality_tracked:  (Allowed to edit the recorded measurments on the quality plan.)
measurement_types_on_qualtyplan:  (Allowed to edit the list of measurement types on the quality plan.)
instr_log:  (Allowed to view/edit the instrument log.)
can_bp_eng:  (Allowed to set no final quality on the engineering master.)

ISO Settings
actionrequestupdate:  (Allowed to update action requests)
delete_action_requests:  (Allowed to delete action requests)
action_admin:  (Allowed access to ADMIN functions on the action requests)

Employee Settings
payday:  (Allow to view payday results)
employee:  (Shows the link to the employees)

Timeclock Settings
supervisor:  (Allows manual entry of time on work order)
time_records:  (Allowed to see the employee time records)
timeclockpaylunch:  (Company pays employee while on lunch. (Default is off).)
timeclockpaybreak:  (Company does NOT pay employee while on break. (Default is off, which is company pays while employee is on break.).)
timeclock_show:  (Showlink to time clock)
timeclock_edit:  (Allowed to edit time records)
timeclock_resend:  (Allowed to recreate the timeclock records from the timerecords page)
laboredit:  (Allowed to edit time from the dashboard)

Customer Settings
stock:  (Allowed to view/edit stocking levels for the part)
cust_audit_wo:  (Display average margin on the partnuber selection page)
customers:  (Allowed to add new customers)
set_defaults_customer:  (Allowed to set the defaults on a customer from the partnumbers, and quotes page)
browse_shipments:  (Allowed to browse previous packing slips)

Part Record Settings
revlog:  (Allowed to edit/add revision log on the part)
custnotes:  (Allowed to edit/add customer notes on the part)
partnumbers:  (Allowed to add new partnumbers)
edit:  (Allowed you edit the details on a part)
archive:  (Allows the user to archive the part)
delete:  (Allowed to completely delete a part)
root_files:  (Shows the files and the upload/delete/move on the root, unclassified, and attachements directories within the part, gage, or ppn records)
attachement_files:  (Shows the files and the upload/delete/move on all the directories within the part record)
linking:  (Allowed to link subs to a part)
archived_links:  (Links in the archived directory set to active (clickable))
ossdir:  (Allowed to view OSS directory)
ossdir_icons:  (Allows the add, delete and move icons to show in the oss dir. ossdir must be on.)
fixtures:  (Allowed to update the fixtures.)
set_programmed:  (Allowed to set if a machine has been programmed. dir_icons must be on.)
local_links:  (Allowed to copy and past local link path.)
dir_icons:  (Allowed add, delete within the non system directories. (User defined in settings).)
dir_icons_move:  (Allowed to move/copy between non system directories. (User defined in settings).)
muted:  (Alert pop ups are muted.)

Programming Settings
clear_prg_log:  (Allowed to clear the programming log on a part (delete all entries))
prg_log:  (Allowed access to the programming log)

Engineering Master Settings
process:  (Allowed to rearrange the engineering master)
breakout:  (Allowed to breakout orders)
addtoorder:  (Enables the link on the engineering master to add the requirement to a current order)
flagmaster:  (Allows to add the engenieering master via a To-Do link to the to do task lists)
engmstrrfqs:  (Show the RFQ tables for pending orders on the engineering master)
clear_eng_log:  (Allowed to clear the engineering log on a part (delete all entries))
eng_log:  (Allowed access to the engineering log)
vendors:  (Allowed to edit the vendors)
hidemaster:  (Default to hide master when editing.)

Quoting Settings
fetch:  (Allowed to fetch and setup parts via the incoming directory)
quote:  (Allows acces to the quote on a part)
rfqtext:  (Allowed to select rfq text, shows the EM, Edit, and Remove links on the quote log for each item on the log.)
clear_quote_log:  (Allowed to clear the quote log on a part (delete all entries))
quoteorder:  (Allowed to add a quote only order)
requote:  (Allowed access to the requote materials link)
quotelinenotes:  (Allowed to edit the quote line notes (What can be seleected to show as line notes on the quote.))
leadtimes:  (Allowed to edit the lead time quick picks.)
edit_contacts:  (Allowed to edit contacts for quotes.)
delete_contacts:  (Allowed to delete contacts for quotes.)

Shipping Settings
printpacking:  (Allowed to print packing slips)
stop_ship:  (Allowed to ship parts even when not all centers have been marked off as completed)
over_ship:  (Allowed to ship more than the work order quantity)
negative_ship:  (Allowed to enter a negative value into the shipped to add quantity back to the order)
ship_selector:  (Shows the shipping selection after scannng bar code in the upper right corner of work order)
cemails:  (Allowed to send ASN emails)
return_items:  (Allowed to return items from the packing slip back to the order)
verify_subs:  (Verify all subs are complete before you can ship)
uploadsigned:  (Allowed to upload a signed packing slip)
candeleteuploadsigned:  (Allowed to delete an uploaded a signed packing slip)
printlabels:  (Allowed to create and print labels)
update_shipped:  (Allowed to update how many have shipped from the edit order page)

Dispatch and PO Creation Settings
dispatch_po_admin:  (Notify that a dispatch PO or a manually PO has been created (Red Banner on home screen))
dispatchbutton:  (Shows a dispatch button when editing an order)
dispatch:  (Allowed to create a dispatch PO for OSS)
pocreate:  (Allowed to create a manual purchase order)

Inventory Settings
inventory_maint:  (Allow the user to add or remove parts from inventory)
ppn:  (Allowed to edit purchase parts)
ppnlist:  (Allowed to view ppn numbers)
ppn_inventory:  (Allowed to edit the detail on PPN Inventory parts)

Shop Planniing Settings
flip_next_to_this:  (Allowed to flip this week goals to next weeks goals)
flag_week:  (Allowed to set/unset weekly goals)
shop_capacity:  (Allowed to view and calculate shop capacity)
time_details_priority:  (Show the total time quoted to make the part)

Admin Settings
reindex:  (Allowed to reindex the database. Makes the DB records match the directory structure)
machines:  (Allowed to edit and setup machines for the system)
settings:  (Allowed to edit the main system settings (ADMIN Only))
backup:  (Allowed to backup the database (ADMIN Only))
updatedb:  (Allowed to update the database (ADMIN Only))
departments:  (Allowed to add/edit the departments)

Home Page Settings
display_nexts:  (Show the Next invoice, quote number, and a random number on the home page)
snapshot:  (Show quotes, orders , invoiced, margin, and profit on the home page (defined further below))
predicted:  (Show the predicted values on the home page (Snapshot must be on))
remaining:  (Show the remaining values for this and next week shipping goals on the home page (Snapshot must be on))
weeksquoted:  (Show quote value for the week on the home page (Snapshot must be on))
weeksorders:  (Show orders this week on the home page (Snapshot must be on))
weeksshipments:  (Show shipments this week on the home page (Snapshot must be on))
weeksprofit:  (Show profit from weekly costing on the home page (Snapshot must be on))
history_admin:  (Allowed to see (History) in the weekly snapshot from the home page (Snapshot must be on))
editlinks:  (Allowed to edit the links on the home page)
nest_1:  (Show Link to Nest 1 Request on the home page)
nest_2:  (Show Link to Nest 2 Request on the home page)

Invoicing, accounting, and reporting settings
admin_invoicing:  (Allowed to see the need to invoice link)
wip:  (Enables WIP functions on the PPN parts and in other areas for WIP calculations)
weekcosted:  (Allows to cost out the week)
forecast:  (Allowed to view the company forecast from the home page.)
holidays:  (Allowed to edit the holiday lists for the reports)
inventory_evaluation_priority:  (Allowed to view the inventory evaluation report)
salesrep_calc:  (Allows calculating the Sales Rep Accounts)

Filing Cabinet
privatefilecabinetdrawers:  (Show the management file cabinet drawers.)
filecabinet:  (Show Link to the file cabinet on the home page)
filecabinetupload:  (Allowed to upload files to the file cabinet drawers)
filecabinetdelete:  (Allowed to delete files in the file cabinet drawers)

order_edit:  (Allowed to edit the table on an order)
priority_table:  (Show edit table on the edit priority page when editing a priority)
process_table:  (Show table button on the process steps of the engineering master)
reqtable:  (Allowed edit of requirement tables on the order)
invtable:  (Allowed to edit the table on the inventory of a part)
record_table:  (Allowed to edit the table on the part record)
labor_table:  (Allowed to edit the labor table on the order)
User Fields/SettingsEdit user fields